About us

Vesalius Medical Technologies  is a privately held company incorporated in 2009 in Belgium, where many multinational medical device companies maintain subsidiaries.

Vesalius Medical Technologies  offers a unique combination of a strong and experienced engineering background with renowned and expert surgeons providing in-depth know-how in the orthopedic and oncological  field.

Vesalius Medical Technologies  opts for unique ablation solutions that provide a high added value to existing non-resolved medical challenges resulting in reliable and cost-effective devices.  Vesalius Medical Technologies  has the know-how, engineering and medical expertise in-house and creates unique solutions that provide a high added value to existing non-resolved medical challenges resulting in reliable and cost-effective devices.

Furthermore, Vesalius Medical Technologies  teams up with the best of class specialist in the field of Intellectual Property, Legal advice, Clinical trials, Engineering and Production, complementing their own know-how resulting in a lean and most cost-effective structure.

ABLAflex™ provides a minimally invasive procedure for the treatment of chronic bursitis that has important advantages over actual standard of care.